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Tax Services in Jacksonville, FL for Over 30 Years

Thurson Accounting Services provides comprehensive tax services to Jacksonville, FL small businesses and individuals. We pride ourselves on offering a full-scale experience for our clients, specializing in all aspects of accounting services. Our firm has faithfully served the community for over 30 years, and our owner, Terence N. Thurson, is a local product, enabling him to fully understand your challenges. Whether you need basic tax help for your household or your business requires bookkeeping, complex accounting services, or IRS representation, we can help. Trust our expertise and deep knowledge; make an appointment today.

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The Benefits of Hiring an Expert Accountant

There is no shortage of benefits to hiring an accountant or tax specialist. As a business owner, you have a range of responsibilities, including hiring, operations, and more. Preparing yearly taxes and staying current with bookkeeping are major responsibilities that require full-time oversight. Hiring our team prevents you from neglecting the rest of the business while performing accounting tasks. Also, an expert tax specialist will keep you compliant and avoid mistakes while filing yearly returns. Most importantly, you can reduce costs and not hire a full-time bookkeeper on staff by working with us on a case-by-case or full-time basis. No matter your needs, you can feel confident that working with Thurson Accounting Services will yield countless benefits.

Our Services Benefit Individuals and Small Business Owners

We pride ourselves on delivering on our promise to our clients. Whether you are an individual taxpayer or a small business owner, you deliver competent accounting services. Our experience and expertise mean you will receive it. Our services include the following:

Small Business Accounting

Small businesses need all the help they can find, and we’re here to help. We can get new businesses off the ground and help established ones reset.

Income Tax Services

We work with small businesses and individuals to file income taxes properly while maximizing returns.

IRS Representation

If you are in trouble with the IRS, you are allowed a representative in front of the agency. We can act in that capacity.

Sales Tax Representation

Ensuring you comply with local sales tax law is essential. We help small businesses do so, allowing them to focus on other things.

Advisory Services

We use our expertise to define your accounting challenges and apply strategies to increase your profits and growth.

Contact Us Today to Schedule a Consultation