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A Local Product That Understands Local Problems

Thurson Accounting Services is an accounting firm specializing in bookkeeping, tax preparation, IRS representation, and advisory services for businesses and individuals. We have years of experience and a solid reputation in Jacksonville, FL for improving efficiency and compliance for companies and peace of mind for individuals. No matter what you need from us, you can count on our team to deliver on our promises. We are versatile and go the extra mile for our clients, making us the comprehensive and all-in CPA firm you need. Most importantly, we are a small business like you and understand your challenges. You can trust us.

people are shaking hands

High-Caliber Accounting Services for Over 30 Years

Terence N. Thurson has over 30 years of experience assisting his clients with all their accounting needs while leading Thurson Accounting Services. Many of our clients come to us overwhelmed by the weight of their responsibilities. If that sounds like you, then you can be sure we believe setting your mind at ease is essential. We specialize in small business accounting services and can take many of your responsibilities off your plate. We can prepare yearly taxes and go beyond standard bookkeeping to open up new growth opportunities. If you find yourself in trouble with the IRS, we can act as your representation during the process to ensure a fair hearing. And most importantly, we build a relationship with you, ensuring a long-term connection based on trust and understanding.

Versatile Services, Honest and Loyal Relationship Building

One of our strengths is our versatility. Many of our business partners use us for their personal taxes and accounting needs, and we offer wide-ranging advisory services. We carefully consider your needs and treat each responsibility individually, ensuring a catered experience. Over the years, we have built loyal relationships with our clients by demonstrating our loyalty and honesty. You can benefit from the same attention to detail, personalized service, and honesty. If you need help with your finances, there is no better place to turn to for the assistance you need

Contact Us Today to Schedule a Consultation